What does your city sound like? What makes a place to live? What do you hear? People laughing, crying, arguing and making up. Cars roar past and honk their horns. Streetcars grind along the tracks. Someone plays “Summer in the City” by The Lovin’ Spoonful on the saxophone. The Isar, the Lech or the Roter Main rushing quietly in the background. And maybe everything sounds entirely different.

With audio and video recording devices, students roam through their own city. They collect voices, languages, sounds, spatial impressions and scenes, they conduct interviews and they are silent in order to listen. They also explore the compositional style of contemporary composers and listen to some works. Together with an electronic artist and a composer with a recording studio, they create their own soundscape from the audio files, which they amplify with their own sounds produced using only their voices. In collaboration with a video artist, they combine this with the resulting video recordings and other jointly developed ideas to create a film that shows their city.

At the end, the students work with us to find a suitable platform for the premiere of the resulting film. Is it a municipal film or youth culture festival? Do they want to open their own channel on a social media platform with it and publish the film as a series in short units over a longer period of time? Do they want to organize their own movie night and invite their families and friends? We decide together.

Age group

Students from 5th-7th grade at all levels of secondary school (Gymnasien / Realschulen / Mittelschulen / Förderschulen) in various Bavarian cities

Time frame per group

30h workshop units, bundled into 10-12 worshop sessions
Presentation after the end of the workshop sessions
Joint film screening with participants from the different cities


Small contribution from the schools

Registration & Information

Our project manager Sophia Rieth is happy to tell teachers more about this and other projects: sophia.rieth@hidalgofestival.de


Supported by the Kulturfonds Bayern – Bildung