Our values & goals


The musical and artistic quality is non-negotiable for us. The name of our patron also stands for this claim
Christian Gerhaher
one of the most important lieder singers in the world. For us, his trust in our work is a great honor and at the same time a great mission. That’s why we engage the leading
young musicians
Europe’s leading young musicians, who otherwise perform at houses such as the Bavarian State Opera, the Vienna State Opera or the English National Opera in London


We not only want to perform the existing canon, but also enable new works that build on traditional forms. We combine classical music with visual and digital art, with video and sound design, with theater, dance and literature as well as many other disciplines. We invite guests and commission cooperation partners. In the
HIDALGO collective
we design our own installations and productions. We use classical music to explore current social issues.


For art, we dare to be adventurous and create space for creativity. In doing so, we consciously risk sometimes failing, offending or not being liked. The name and spirit of the HIDALGO are based on the historical-literary Hidalgo, a lesser nobleman from ancient Spain. He is a go-getter, a freedom-loving spirit who is not afraid to take risks – and sometimes even tilts at windmills. In the song “Der Hidalgo” by Robert Schumann, he sings “Und Blumen oder Wunden trag’ morgen morgen ich nach Haus” (And tomorrow I’ll carry flowers or wounds home) to a text by Emanuel Geibel.


Good classical music is not bound to concert halls, rows of seats and evening dress. We perform where the young, urban scene is at home – in electro clubs, barbershops, bouldering halls or boxing clubs. Everyday functional places such as hotel lobbies, inner-city parking garages, suburban train stations or street intersections also serve as a stage. Classical music, as we understand it, strives for perfection in the moment and creates emotional borderline experiences – regardless of conventions.


The HIDALGO experience begins before the first beat: with the first step into the location, with opening the program guide, with scrolling through a post. We create an organic cosmos around the concert – breaking down distances, creating proximity and opening up new target groups. This includes an informal language, an innovative concert design, artistically integrated talk formats and the subsequent beer with artists and participants. We communicate with our audience at eye level.


Our artists come from many countries, our audience is a colorful mix. Exclusion has no place at HIDALGO. We pay attention to a balanced gender ratio in our team and its management as well as in the selection of artists. We are open to all age groups, with us the student sits next to the pensioner. We try to ensure accessibility in all formats. Because social dialog between all people is a central concern for us, we offer heavily discounted tickets and free tickets for groups in need.


Climate change is one of the great challenges of our generation – and we want to be part of the solution. We already pay attention to reusable materials, short travel distances and environmentally friendly logistics. In cooperation with the Munich-based WHAT IF project office for sustainable culture, we are investigating our ecological footprint. We develop a concept for internal sustainability management. We want to position HIDALGO as an ecologically sustainable institution and organize one of the first ecologically sustainable classical music festivals in Europe.


In the long term, we want to establish ourselves as the epitome of young classical music – with new song formats, modern orchestral concerts and interdisciplinary installations and productions. To this end, we network with institutions such as the Munich Kunstareal, the Heidelberger Frühling and the Gothenburg Opera, international music academies and local, state and federal politicians. We are planning to cooperate with partner institutions beyond the German-speaking countries. In future, we will be advised by a board of trustees with members from the worlds of culture, business and politics.


HIDALGO and its festival for young classical music could only come into being and grow thanks to the great voluntary commitment of many people. In our
volunteer crew
people of different ages, origins and professional backgrounds work together. Our
circle of friends
of the HIDALGO e.V.
brings together all those who have been supporting and promoting HIDALGO for a long time or only recently. We want to provide our team members with interdisciplinary training, create shared experiences for them and celebrate successes together.


The central aim is still to employ not only artists, but also managers and specialists on a full-time basis and to pay them appropriately. We want to achieve sustainable growth in our business areas and cover our costs. A key prerequisite for this is the expansion of year-round performance operations, the marketing of our own productions and our collective to other theaters and festivals, and institutional funding. We are constantly evaluating our processes and are supported by external consultants.