
Our HIDALGO collective plans and realizes installations and music theater exclusively for your venue or festival. From the idea to the performance, we develop new concert experiences.

We realize productions from the idea to the presentation

Development of an arti. Sketch incl.
Draft dramaturgy
Thematic classification
Musical idea
Required artists
Required trades
Type of location
Audience perspective

Research & Networking
Elaboration of the format idea
List of required resources
Drawing up a timetable
Calculation of project costs
Development of a financing plan
Consideration of legal requirements
Planning of communication measures

Commissioning of all trades
Coordination of all trades
Team and company management
Ticketing & Sales
Public relations
Acquisition of funding & sponsoring
Documentation & Evaluation
Reports & billing

We work as a house without a house

We design our collaborations individually. We see ourselves as a house without a house and consider all institutional needs associated with an artistic production. It is important to us to deliver the highest quality and creativity in all our productions. The results are always unique live moments.

We reach a young and diverse target group

“Unusually diverse, unusually young”


“All around, people are sitting on beer benches and garden furniture, beer bottles in their hands, tote bags over their shoulders. Classical music is alive and kicking.”


“Young and wild”


“Classical music is skillfully brought into the 21st century”


Our references

Your contact persons

We would be happy to personally introduce our productions and other opportunities for cooperation to you.